I paint whenever the passion takes me.

About Me

My name is Maribel and from a very young age, just 4 years old, I was fascinated by colours.  I loved to paint and mix them to see the result.  At the age of 10, I won the first prize of the College I attended, winning a medal and a group of books to help study.

The teachers then assigned me various jobs related to drawings and paintings.  Since then the desire for painting continued to grow and to become my refuge.  I consider myself self-taught and as you can see on my website I love bold and strong colours.

Mi nombre es Maribel y desde muy pequeña, con solo 4 años estaba fascinada con los colores. Me encantaba pintar y mezclarlos para ver el resultado. A la edad de 10 años gane el primer premio del Colegio al que asistía, ganando una medalla y un grupo de libros de ayuda para el estudio. 

Después los profesores me asignaron diversos trabajos relacionados con dibujos y pinturas. Y desde entonces el afán por la pintura siguió creciendo y a llegando a ser mi refugio. Me consideró autodidacta y como podréis observar en mi web me encantan los colores fuertes y atrevidos.

The highlight of my career so far has been to have one of my paintings shown at the  Espacio Expositivo Pacífico 54 in Malaga, as part of a collection called “Presencias 48. De la figuración a la abstracción”. The exhibition was promoted by APLAMA (Association of Plastic Artists of Malaga), which was 24 years old this year.

Almost fifty “Presences” have been exhibited , with an average of two a year. The level of the exhibited works is of ever higher quality, coexisting works by new artists with works by artists already established internationally.

Presencias 48